Logo CIAC Impresa sociale ETS
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Do you want to volunteer?

While you have a thing may be taken from you. But when you give, behold, you have given it. No thief can steal it from you. Then it is yours forever.

James Joyce

Become a volunteer now

There are many ways to get involved with CIAC and become an active volunteer. Based on your skills and the amount of time you can dedicate, we will work with you to design a path that suits your interests and aligns with the the association's activities: teaching Italian and facilitate conversation in language workshops, supporting exam preparation  (driving license, third media), organizing workshops on soft skills, engaging in  activities with refugee mothers and children, or planning trips, excursions, and visits to the city and the territory.  For these or other ideas and proposals - or even just for a moment of exchange and getting to know each other - don’t hesitate to contact us.

Find out our contacts
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