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WHAT WE DO(current)

Refugees in family

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Refugees in family

Living together, opening one’s home, and sharing daily life and social networks — this initiative offers a unique opportunity for coexistence and intercultural exchange between Italian families and refugees from diverse backgrounds. It encourages a shift in perspective, inviting participants to engage with the world knocking at their doors and to collaboratively build a true culture of welcome. "Refugees in the Family" began as a national pilot project in early 2015 under the Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (SPRAR). It evolved as a continuation of the "Terra d’Asilo" project, led by the City of Fidenza, and the "Una città per l’asilo" project, led by the City of Parma.
Since its inception in 2015, the initiative has welcomed 38 refugees, including 31 adults and 7 minors. A total of 18 families and communities have opened their homes and hearts to participate in this program.

Who are the accepted refugees?
There are more than 200 asylum seekers and holders of protection included in SPRAR projects managed by CIAC onlus throughout the territory of the Province of Parma. They are people who have fled from wars and persecution, seeking protection in Italy after difficult experiences of migration and pre-migration. In SPRAR projects they receive legal support, reception, Italian courses, orientation for integration.
But often this is not enough. At the end of the project there may still be a missing piece to be able to walk on their own two feet. A family welcome can make the difference.

Who can welcome?
Any family living in Parma or its province can offer to live this experience. A family nucleus, however it is composed, can make available its domestic space to host a refugee. Not only a roof and material goods, but above all a network of support and relationships to continue the journey towards integration.
To live an experience of solidarity and sharing, with the opportunity to compare the experience with other families, being able to count on a constant technical and relational support.

What the project provides?
  • Accommodation for a maximum of 9 months
  • Monthly reimbursement to families
  • Continuous support and dedicated moments of verification by specialists in asylum and family psychology
  • A project operator (psychologist) dedicated to supporting the dynamics and concrete practices of reception
  • In case of difficulties in the reception, guarantee for the refugee to return to the SPRAR project
  • Community moments of confrontation and socialization

How to join?
Welcoming is a generous and open gesture, but it cannot be improvised. If you are interested, or even just curious about the project, fill out this short online form and you will be contacted immediately without obligation by CIAC staff. 
If, after an initial cognitive interview, you confirm your willingness to participate in the project, a path of in-depth study will be opened in parallel to the identification of the refugee who will live with you.
Your availability can be offered at any time, there is no deadline or call for applications.

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