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WHAT WE DO(current)

Wonderful World

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opens to the city!

Do you need a space to study, host meetings, or make new friends? 
Wonderful World is now an open space where you can connect with others and create new experiences.  
The reception house, managed by CIAC, is open to the city. Every Wednesday (4:30 PM–7:30 PM) and Saturday (3:00 PM–7:30 PM), you’re invited to visit and discover a warm, welcoming space open to everyone. It’s a place designed to meet the community’s needs and serve as a reference point for the city.

Every Wednsday (16.30-19.30) and every Saturday (15.00-19.30) 
Info: wonderfulworld@ciaconlus.org

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Wonderful World

The "Wonderful World" project was launched in December 2019 as a safe haven offering protection and legal support to individuals excluded from the SIPROIMI reception system. The house, which can accommodate up to 15 people, thrives thanks to the invaluable contribution of around 30 dedicated volunteers. These volunteers engage in daily activities with the guests, including cooking together, supporting language learning, and even organizing impromptu jam sessions.



In October 2018, the Immigration and Security Decree (n.113/2018), later converted into Law 132/2018, significantly restructured - almost dismantling - the SPRAR reception system, now renamed SIPROIMI. This reform excluded holders of humanitarian protection and asylum seekers from institutional reception, denying them access to pathways for integration and empowerment. From the outset, CIAC responded by launching the "I WELCOME" campaign, promoting information and awareness-raising events. It also initiated extra SIPROIMI reception programs for those excluded from the national system, many of whom were left homeless due to the decree.

The awareness campaign inspired citizens to act. The Saverians of Parma supported the cause by offering a disused building on loan, free of charge, while a network of engaged citizens expressed their desire to contribute. This collaboration led to the creation of the Wonderful World project, a house managed by CIAC and volunteers. It serves as a hub for active citizenship and community development, co-designed by CIAC, the welcomed individuals, the community, and local associations.

Wonderful World is more than just a shelter: it is a space for shared meals, exhibitions, workshops, and micro-entrepreneurship initiatives. In the coming months, part of the house will be dedicated to the Locanda Sociale e Solidale: a small guesthouse designed to provide hospitality while supporting migrants' employment opportunities.

The project offers: 

  • Prompt Reception and Legal Protection: the project offers not only a response to the housing emergency but also a path of legal protection, accompaniment and health guidance, support in bureaucratic practices.
  • Courses aimed at socio-occupational integration: language training, workshops, orientation to work and orientation to local opportunities
  • An open space for peace: The project intends to insert the paths of welcome and integration in a context open to the community, with the aim of promoting and strengthening the social networks that gravitate around the welcomed people and that - overall - can become bearers of the principles and values that inspire the model of intervention: solidarity, hospitality, peace, non-violence, active citizenship and protection of rights.


It is possible to support the Wonderful World house by participating as a volunteer: if you are interested please send us an email to associazione@ciaconlus.org
You can also support the project with a donation:


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