Logo CIAC Impresa sociale ETS
WHAT WE DO(current)

A welcoming community

A community that welcomes participation, generativity, sustainability for the integration of migrants at risk of exclusion.

The primary objective of the project is to promote the integration of migrant citizens through a participatory process of Generative Welfare and Community Development. This process aims to rebuild and strengthen social ties, connections, and shared knowledge within a space that fosters both citizenship and active participation. The project focuses on the Wonderful World structure - opened in Parma in December 2019 to assist migrants excluded from institutional reception - by enhancing its components of community and economic sustainability. Community sustainability is addressed by strengthening volunteer networks and promoting multicultural socialization and proximity activities. Economic sustainability is fostered through the creation of income-generating activities and the implementation of pathways for the socio-economic inclusion of the beneficiaries involved.

  • CIAC role : leader
  • Participating organizations:  Missionari Saveriani di Parma , enti del coordinamento “La civiltà dell’accoglienza” , Università di Parma , Ass. Di Mano in Mano, Ass. Cigno Verde, Ass. Tuttimondi, Ass. Festival of Praise and Care, Ass, Kwa Dunìa, Forum Solidarietà. Sostiene il progetto l’Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale regionale dell’Emilia- Romagna (Programma “Innovazione Sociale”).
  • Duration: 01/06/2020 - 31/12/2021
  • Financier: Fondazione Cariparma

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