Logo CIAC Impresa sociale ETS
WHAT WE DO(current)


The project intervenes in support of housing and socio-economic autonomy of citizens at greater risk of falling into social marginality and precarious employment and housing, supporting their housing and socio-economic inclusion and providing training and awareness-raising on intercultural housing, with the involvement of various stakeholders including Sunia, real estate agencies, trainers specialized in budget management and risk reduction resulting from situations of debt and default. Central actions were those of support in the search for housing (in collaboration with the WIP Cooperative) and Social Secretariat (at the IAC desks) for support in filling out ERS/ERP applications and rent contributions. 

  • CIAC role: leader
  • partner institutions:  SUNIA,Cooperativa Sociale Cigno verde Onlus, Associazione Ricrediti: microcredito e finanza etica
  • Duration: 01/07/2020 - 31/03/2022
  • Financier: Fondazione Cariparma

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