Logo CIAC Impresa sociale ETS
WHAT WE DO(current)



The project aims to promote gender citizenship within the migrant communities in the territory of Parma and Province, contributing to the prevention and combating of social exclusion, discrimination and violence against women, particularly against foreign migrant women, refugees and asylum seekers. CIAC supports the Anti-Violence Center of Parma in the contact with the communities of foreigners and in the activation of paths of empowerment and awareness aimed at communities and foreign women on the issues of violence, discrimination and marginalization, promoting awareness and information about support services in the area. Collaboration and exchange of knowledge and experience between operators of different services and institutions aims to improve the responsiveness of the network of territorial services.

  • CIAC role: partner 

  • Leader: ACAV - Associazione Centro Anti Violenza Parma

  • Duration: 01/01/2020  - 31/12/2020 

  • Financier: Regione Emilia Romagna

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