The project seeks to promote gender equality and citizenship within migrant communities in the territory of Parma and its province. It aims to prevent and combat social exclusion, discrimination, and violence against women, with a particular focus on foreign migrant women, refugees, and asylum seekers.
CIAC supports the Anti-Violence Center of Parma by facilitating contact with foreign communities and initiating empowerment and awareness-raising pathways. These efforts are directed toward both migrant communities and foreign women, addressing issues of violence, discrimination, and marginalization, while promoting awareness of and access to local support services.
The collaboration and exchange of knowledge and experience among operators from various services and institutions aim to strengthen the responsiveness and effectiveness of the territorial service network.
CIAC role: partner
Leader: ACAV - Associazione Centro Anti Violenza Parma
Duration: 01/01/2020 - 31/12/2020
Financier: Regione Emilia Romagna