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Wel-fare community

AGRICOLTURAThe project WEL-FARE COMUNITÁ.Welcoming Territories for Inclusive Development, implemented in the municipalities of Parma and San Secondo P.se, aims to promote the reception and socio-occupational integration of refugees and migrants within the framework of broader inclusive community development.

The project strategy is grounded in the need to promote and strengthen the Community-Based Protection model for the reception and integration of migrants and refugees. This model—rooted in the experience of SPRAR—is foundational and generative of community welfare, or social well-being. The objective is to ensure coexistence and cohesion among all components of the community living in a given territory. This involves promoting tools and pathways that counter exclusion and isolation caused by economic, cultural, ethnic, linguistic, social, age-related, or contextual vulnerabilities.

The project focuses on four key areas of intervention:

  1. Participatory Planning and Evaluation: Consolidating local networks and developing effective and inclusive integration strategies.
  2. Housing Autonomy and Social Mediation: Providing reception and social mediation services for 8 refugees residing in the Municipality of Parma.
  3. Territorial Development and Tools for Socio-Work Autonomy: Offering guidance on accessing local services and opportunities, as well as training and employment orientation.
  4. Inclusive Community Development and Pilot Projects for Integrated Community Growth: Activating Territorial Tutors for Integration, promoting socialization workshops, and empowering transversal skills. These activities are carried out in collaboration with the Connessioni Cooperative. The project also includes the design and planning of an educational orchard. Although its realization was delayed due to COVID, it is scheduled to be completed in autumn 2021.

There are 4 areas of intervention:


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